Chaos reigns at the Savoy Cinema in Brixton as manager Mr. Royal (Charlie Chester) and his staff - including cleaning lady Laverne (Rita Webb) - prepare for the gala sneak preview of Manny Glowpick’s new sex film “Love In The Undergrowth”. Star Gloria Overtones (Susan Silvie), who is having an affair with the titled Roddy Wickhampton (Clive Wouters), is pressured into attending the show by her agent Manny McTavish (Chic Murray). At the post-preview party held at a restaurant owned by George Skinner (Tony Wright) it transpires that Gloria is the daughter of Skinner and Roddy’s mother and usherette Sylvie (Maria Harper) is signed up by film mogul Seam Seagull (Alan Selwyn) to be his new sex star. Back at the Savoy, Laverne impresses Glowpick with her encyclopaedic knowledge of cinema and is signed up as his personal assistant.
Review - The Monthly Film Bulletin of April 1979 said:
“Charlie Chester and Rita Webb soldier through the proceedings as best they can…….the latter – in the film’s single enjoyable scene – expatiating on the talents of Jean Harlow to a film producer who has just slept through one of his own pictures”
Rita Webb played the lovable Laverne a cleaner at the local cinema (all scenes filmed at Brixton's Ritzy cinema) her first scene comes near the beginging of the film, as she ceans the glass doors to the cinema she happily chats away to Mr Royal (Charlie Chester)

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