Rose Jeannette Webb 1876-1908
On Saturday 30th June 2018 I went to the resting place of Rita Webb’s mother Rose who died all too young at age 32 in 1908. Her grandson Allan Dale and his wife Marg, along with Jenny Bywater who’s a descendant of Rose’s brother also came along to pay their respects on what turned out to be exactly 110 years to the day when her burial actually took place!
Last year I came to the same spot with Rita’s niece Louise Webb and below are some pictures of both visits.

Allan and Marg Dale hold up a picture of Louise Webb at the same spot one year on 30/06/18

Allan Dale (Rose Webb's Grandson) near to the site where she was buried on 30th June 1908

Allan & Marg Dale with Jenny Bywater & Aaron Smith 20/06/18 Manor Park Cemetery

Louise Webb at Manor Park cemetery 17th July 2017
Here’s the page for Rose’s story for those who are interested in family research!